News from Mozambique | September 2014

Dear friends,

here is a little update on my life in Mozambique :).

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After our 10 day bush-bush was over I headed to Maputo, capital of Mozambique, and had some good moments connecting with Iris Global bases there. With a group from Iris Zimpeto base we went to Maputo garbage dump to do evangelism and minister at a local church.


It is heartbreaking to see so many people spending their days on that dump looking for food and things that they could sell to earn some money. However, I had an amazing time talking to some girls over there, and one of them (her name is Beida) gave her life to Jesus! She spends every day at that dump picking up plastic bottles. Later she washes and sells them.

At the moment I am in a beautiful place called Matola Rio located close to Maputo. The missions school is starting on the 6th of October in South Africa but since I could not get into the country, I am helping out at a little base in southern Mozambique.

Matola Rio base is a home for 42 children, most of them affected by HIV/AIDS. Most of them come from the local area, some of them are sent from Maputo central hospital. Every child in the center has a sponsor family in Holland, so I am spending my time helping children to write Thank You letters to their special families.


I am also assisting at a preschool that has 67 children, participate in weekly outreaches into the local community and I had several opportunities to share at a local church and lead evening prayers for teenagers of the base.

In two weeks I am heading back to Pemba to set up before Harvest School students arrive in November. Thank you for your prayers!

With much love,

Matola Rio photography by Abigail Johnson


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News from Mozambique | November 2014

Dear friends, greetings from Africa! As you all know I continue to help with bush-bush outreaches in northern Mozambique organized by Harvest School of missions. In current mission school it involves even more work than usually because... Continue →