Nata Sha

World traveller

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News | April 2015

Hello friends!

Since some of you were asking how we were doing, this is a short update about our first days in India. It is our second week here, so not much is happening yet :)

We were able to find an apartment at a residence for ladies in a Christian community, near a local church. We are very thankful for this place: it is located in a safer part of the city, it is also very clean and affordable. When we moved in it was absolutely empty, but God already blessed us with some things! And even though we’re still sleeping on the floor :) we are very happy to be here!

As most of you know, the desire of our heart is to open a safe house for girls and women involved into sex trafficking. Also, we are dreaming of opening a prayer and worship room right in the red light district. We started our time here with visiting different organizations that are working in the area to establish...

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February 2015

Dear friends,

I am having a wonderful time in Estonia serving at my local church and spending time with my friends and family. I teach classes on Christian Growth and New Believer’s classes and I help with the administrative part of the ministry.

I am also very happy to announce that God is opening a door for me to join my friend Lana on the mission field in India. God has put it on her heart to reach out to girls who are being sex trafficked and to establish a house-refuge-rehab center for those of them who would like to escape from slavery. In this house they will be able to find refuge, study the Bible, and be integrated into life outside of the red-light district. It is also on her heart to establish a prayer room in the red-light district. We will be ministering in the epicenter of human trafficking in India, where about 12,000 are involved in local prostitution and many others...

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News from outreach to Kenya | January 2015

Dear friends,

Happy New Year to you all! Let God’s blessings flow abundantly into your lives and His good and perfect will be done in you this new 2015 year.

After spending 7 months in Mozambique, Swaziland and Kenya I am back in Estonia! Though my heart is so deeply in love with Africa, I am very happy to be back home with my friends, family and church.

In December I took a group of Iris Mission School students from Mozambique to Kenya. We had a wonderful time ministering there and saw many people coming to the Lord and others returning to Him.

My favorite ministry time was witnessing to girls involved in prostitution. Almost every day we went out into the streets and bars to talk with them. Most of these girls live on the edge of poverty and selling their bodies is the way they have decided to provide for their families. Most of them see no other way, and most of them don’t...

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News from Mozambique | November 2014

Dear friends, greetings from Africa!

As you all know I continue to help with bush-bush outreaches in northern Mozambique organized by Harvest School of missions. In current mission school it involves even more work than usually because we are sending six teams every week instead of three. And it brings such a joy to my heart when I hear all encouraging testimonies about people getting saved and healed as well as mission school students falling more and more in love with Jesus and responding to God’s voice in their lives.

A week from now I will be heading to Kenya with a group of 10 Harvest School students and I am very excited about our outreach to Mombasa. But it is also very hard for me to leave Pemba, a place that I have been calling home for past 7 months.

In Kenya we will be ministering to prostitutes with Justice Rising - Iris Mtwapa that has set up a base in the middle of a...

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News from Mozambique | September 2014

Dear friends,

here is a little update on my life in Mozambique :).

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After our 10 day bush-bush was over I headed to Maputo, capital of Mozambique, and had some good moments connecting with Iris Global bases there. With a group from Iris Zimpeto base we went to Maputo garbage dump to do evangelism and minister at a local church.


It is heartbreaking to see so many people spending their days on that dump looking for food and things that they could sell to earn some money. However, I had an amazing time talking to some girls over there, and one of them (her name is Beida) gave her life to Jesus! She spends every day at that dump picking up plastic bottles. Later she washes and sells them.

At the moment I am in a beautiful place called Matola Rio located close to Maputo. The missions school is starting on the 6th of October in South Africa but since I could not get into the country...

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News from Mozambique | August 2014 (part 2)

Dear friends,

Last night I came back from a 10day bush evangelism and I am very excited to share with you about what God has done there! Me and another staff member lead a team of Missions School students and Bible School students into several remote villages of Mozambique (Nairoto, Balama, Ntete and town of Montepuez). Every day of the outreach was filled with opportunities to love on people, pray and minister to them, spend time with children and do classes for new believers. In this letter I would like to share two highlights of my time in the bush.

God did some incredible things there, but we also faced opposition as we were ministering in some villages. For example, we wanted to show Jesus film in a small place called Ntete but our generator wouldn’t start. I believe that this way the Lord actually protected us because local people were acting quite violently towards us. As we...

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News from Mozambique | August 2014

Dear friends,

Finally I sat down to write an update about my life here in Mozambique and I cannot express how thankful I am to God that He brought me here.

As all of you know, I serve in Harvest Missions School that is under covering of ministry Iris Global. Missions school is receiving around 350 students whose hearts are either to be on a mission field or to support missionaries, We have 40 staff members who make the school happen. My main responsibility in missions school is overseeing weekend outreaches that go out every weekend and I am very blessed to take part of what the Lord is doing here.

The highlight of these past two months was to see so many muslim villages open their doors for us and the Gospel. Almost every place we have gone so far has a very strong muslim community and we have seen many people coming to the Lord.


I believe that there is a strong opposition...

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